TSFX Trial Exams
TSFX Offers Year 12 Trial Exams to schools in English and a range of Mathematics and Science subjects.
Please Note: Unfortunately we are no longer able to offer new exams in 2021. Schools can purchase exams from 2019 and 2020 at a discounted price. We hope to have new exams again in 2022.
Features of the TSFX Exams include:
- Original questions.
- Each paper is based on the style and format of the VCAA exams (including mark allocations, total marks, exam duration, question difficulty and styles).
- Written and vetted by qualified VCE teachers who are experienced in the setting and marking of examinations.
- Each paper is subjected to a 3 stage vetting process.
- Quoted prices include the relevant exam paper, student answer booklet(s), formula sheet, worked solutions, detailed explanations & marking schemes.
- Papers are copyright free and can be reproduced without restraint within the institution that purchases them.