A+ Resources

As there are great similarities between the VCE and HSC course in many subjects, the resources in the HSC database may be of benefit to VCE students. We encourage students to view these resources, especially where the English texts are concerned. Please however remember that the marking schemes used in NSW  differ from that used in the VCE.

View HSC Resources
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Unless otherwise indicated, the A+ materials available at Edge Online obtained A or A+ scores. These materials may/may not obtain the same grade score at your school. TSFX accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the grade that has been allocated to the materials on this site.

Please further note that the format of the Edge Online essays and projects may be different to that which is expected at your school. These materials have been provided as a guide to how essays and assignments could be structured, and to provide students with valuable references to assist them in the preparation of their own works.