You can save significant amounts of stress & time before your exams by letting an experienced VCE teacher who is a current or recent VCE exam assessor (marker) for VCAA guide you through the revision process. Our ‘VCE Exam Revision Lectures’ have been designed with this purpose in mind, and to
give you the skills & information you’ll need to perform to the highest possible standard in your VCE exams.
VCE Exam Revision Lectures
Revise & Extend. Reduce Stress & Study Time.
Maximise Examination Marks.
Dates: Saturday 16 September to Friday 29 September 2023
Venue: Interactive, Live-Streamed Online Lectures
Enrolments (Live-Streamed Lectures): Now Open
Our VCE Exam Revision Lectures offers students the choice of two different revision intensities:
VCE Exam Highlights Lectures
Shorter, Focused Revision to Boost Your Exam Preparations
These comprehensive 3.5 hour revision lectures are designed for students seeking valuable advice & key exam insights from experienced VCE exam markers (assessors) WITHOUT engaging in a detailed review of examinable materials.
VCE Exam Essentials Lectures
Longer, In-Depth Revision to Thoroughly Prepare for Your Exams
These lectures are designed for students seeking valuable advice & key exam insights that only a VCE exam marker (assessor) can provide & to thoroughly revise examinable materials, focusing on the topics students typically find difficult & that have been poorly answered in past VCE exams.
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Lectures Improved
Exam Marks
Valuable Exam
Preparation Tool
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Why Should I Attend?
You will be taught by and receive up to date advice from official exam assessors (the focus of the exams and the marking schemes change on a regular basis). Assessors have access to important information that many teachers aren’t aware of, and which can make a significant difference to your ATAR result.
Knowing how the exam marking system works also gives assessors the ability to guide you through the exam preparation process in the quickest and most effective way. You’ll spend your time revising what really matters, and you can’t get that kind of guidance from recent high school graduates who have no teaching experience, and who don’t have access to the detailed insights our teachers provide.
The world’s leading educational specialists agree that lectures are the fastest and most effective way to revise and consolidate large amounts of information in a short time frame. Not only is it much faster to have an experienced teacher take you through the revision process, using audio and visual delivery processes enables you to work through and remember 5 times more information than if you were to work through the same materials on your own.
TSFX is highly regarded for the quality of our program materials – our students receive the most comprehensive and detailed exam preparation notes available that include every key concept that could be examined, as well as hundreds of examination-style questions that are not commercially available. As an example, students who attended our recent ‘Unit 3 Exam Revision Lectures’ received the following materials, saving them countless hours in exam preparation time:
Chemistry: Over 400 pages of notes and 320 exam-style questions.
Maths Methods: Over 400 pages of notes and 300 exam-style questions.
We constantly invest in our courses and materials to ensure our students receive every possible advantage in their VCE.
Our notes are improved and extended upon each year so that they reflect the annual changes in examination marking and question trends. To help make your exam preparations even easier, we integrate the important concepts and applications from the main textbooks and study resources into our course materials.
No other program provider has been able to match the quality and depth of materials that are issued to students who attend TSFX programs.
You will learn how examination papers are marked, how answers must be presented if they are to be awarded full scores, why common responses do not earn marks and how to minimise mistakes in the exams. The majority of class time is spent working through examination-style questions, as well as those questions that will serve to differentiate between the A/A+ and B grade scores.
You will gain thorough exposure to the questions and tricks that could appear in the exams. (Students regularly comment that many of the questions they cover during our programs appear in the actual exams!)
You will correct problem areas and to hear information from a different perspective – improving the quality of exam responses and how well information can be applied in unfamiliar applications.
You will strengthen, consolidate and extend on the materials covered at school, and develop an added advantage over your state-wide peers.
You will dramatically reduce stress levels during the semester and find more time for leisure activities.
You will minimise procrastination opportunities and ensure you get the most from your study sessions.
You will greatly improve your confidence levels and maximise Year 11 and 12 marks!
Terms & Conditions of Program Enrolment
For Payment Terms & Conditions of Enrolment Please Click Here