Unit 4 Biology – Head Start Lectures 2023

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Unit 4 Biology – Head Start Lectures 2023


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Get Ahead. Reduce Stress. Cut Down on Study Time. Maximise VCE Marks.

Duration: 5 hours

Delivery: These fully edited, pre-recorded lectures are available ON DEMAND & have been produced using state of the art technology systems & software applications. Each video includes a full screen capture of the materials displayed to students, all annotations made during each lecture & a video stream of the teachers as they’re delivering their presentation(s).

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SKU: WS-U4-BIOL-2023 Categories: ,


Unit 4 Biology – VCE Head Start Lectures

Get Ahead. Reduce Stress. Cut Down on Study Time. Maximise VCE Marks.

What Will be Covered?

These lectures draw on the key knowledge and key skills outlined in the 2023 VCE Study Design and are presented by qualified, experienced VCE teachers who are current or recent VCE exam assessors for VCAA.

You will thoroughly work through key sections of the Unit 4 course ahead of school in a relaxed, step-by-step manner. You’ll also learn how to dissect and confidently answer highly probable SAC and exam-style questions and clarify misconceptions that result in the unecessary loss of valuable SAC and exam marks. Emphasis will be placed on the topics that will be the focus of your Unit 4 SACs as well as the areas that are poorly answered in the VCE exams.

Topics & Teachers



What Will I Get When I Enrol?

High quality, fully interactive, live streamed, online lectures.
Live support, chats, polls, quizzes and Q & A sessions with VCE exam assessors.
Invaluable instruction from highly experienced VCE teachers who are current or recent VCE exam
. assessors (VCAA) (not university students) – the very same teachers who’ll be marking your VCE exams!
Thorough coverage of the concepts & applications that will be the main focus of your Unit 4 SACs.
Detailed & comprehensive notes that cover addressed concepts to an A+ standard. Notes will be sent by
express post & scheduled to arrive at your nominated address at least 2 days before your first lecture.
A large collection of exam-style questions & worked solutions.
Unlimited 24/7 access to a fully edited recording of your enrolled lecture(s) to view as often as you
like until the end of Term 3 (Friday 15 September 2023).
View Notes & Lectures

Why Should I Enrol into a Unit 4 Head Start Lecture?

Get Ahead. Reduce Stress. Cut Down on Study Time. Maximise VCE Marks.

Get ahead in a fast & effective way. It takes much less time & effort for an experienced, dynamic VCE
teacher to take you through examinable materials rather than trying to get ahead on your own.
Develop a strong grasp of examinable topics ahead of school.
Discover valuable ideas & suggestions to help boost your Unit 4 SAC marks.
Reduce stress levels & study-loads in Term 3.
Receive detailed & thorough A+ notes (and save huge amounts of time).
Maximise learning opportunities at school.
Spend less time completing homework & preparing for assessments.
Cut down on study time and greatly improve SAC marks.
Past Student Comments
Why Online?

“Fantastic! Gave me a massive head start over my cohort and the lecturers were wonderful”
Student – Xavier College

“I thought the online lectures were done really well. Even though I wasn’t there in person, I wasn’t missing on any educational experience.”
Student – Belmont High School

“This is one of the best lectures I’ve been to – very helpful with an excellent presenter.”
Student – Catholic Ladies College

“Absolutely faultless.”
Student – Geelong College

“A fantastic session that gave me the tools and confidence to tackle semester two!”
Student – Fintona Girls School

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